Implementing Devices

All devices must implement some requirements to be able to be controlled by the app.


Each device shall be individually controllable. In order to achieve this the app needs to know which device has which options. These options have to be defined in the file device.json. The app will request and render the options when it is navigated to the send page of a selected device.


All options which the device is able to control have to be inside the “options” array:

"options": []

Each option has to provide all of the following tags:


The name which will be displayed for each option in the app. It is freely choosable.


A unique identifier for each option. Make sure that there are no duplicates, it must be unique on device scope, otherwise there will be errors when sending instructions to the device. The value of the id has some restrictions, which are the same like the ones of html id attributes. Which means:

  • It must at least contain one character

  • It is case sensitive

  • There can be no white spaces

This id can later also be used to retrieve values from the device configuration inside the device application, for example to check the a configured maximum value.


A defined selection of possible input types. Which are:


All values which are available for the option must be inside a json object:

"values": {}


The value is strongly dependent of the type of option. See the corresponding description.


Except for File Up and Download, adding options to device.json needs them to be placed as parameter in device.execute


For a device to support the dashboard this option has to be set to true. It will be checked when registering a device. Make sure to implement the layout and the data for the dashboard on the device.

"dashboard_supported": true


If you have implemented the recording functionality, you must enable the support in the configuration file. Once you have enabled it you can start and stop the recording on the send page of the device.

"recording_supported": true


An example of this file can be found on Gitlab.


Our devices implement a json RPC API. The skeleton provides the methods which have to be implemented in api/device/

File Up and Download

The devices provide two endpoints over which some file exchange can happen. These endpoints can be used for example to download, recording data or to upload a file with a set of instructions for the device.

Hardware Communication

You will need to implement all communication to your hardware inside the hardware directory. Make sure to import all functionality which you want to have available in api/device/ in the file hardware/ Everything inside this file will be imported there.

When you need to install additional libraries or dependencies make sure to install them in the virtual environment using pip. When you are finished write them into the requirements.txt with

pip freeze > requirements.txt

For the hardware implementation it is suggested that you to use a folder structure like this:

├── api
│   └── ...
├── hardware
|   |   ├──
|   |   ├──
|   |   ├──
│   |   └── ... optional helper files ...
|   |   ├──
|   |   ├──
|   |   ├──
│   |   └── ... optional helper files ...
│   └──
└── ...

Which may then look something like this:

├── api
│   └── ...
├── hardware
│   ├── parker_compax_3s      // hw package to communicate with a frequency converter via a serial
|   |   ├──
|   |   ├──
|   |   ├──
|   |   ├──
│   |   └──
│   ├── sensors               // hw package to read sensor data and provide them for a graph on the user interface
|   |   ├──
|   |   ├──
|   |   ├──
│   |   └──
│   └──
└── ...

However, you are free on how your structure will look.